Be Fit, Strong and Healthy During Your Pregnancy Today!

Join us to get fit and connect to like-minded others, make healthy exercise and food choices and be your fittest and healthiest at this special time!

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A three-trimester pregnancy exercise video program and online global community to shape your strength and embrace your pregnancy.

I’ve spent nearly 2 decades helping over 20,000 women worldwide go from feeling ‘blah’, low on energy and disempowered in pregnancy to feeling strong, toned and body confident with minimal aches and pains and fit for the lifetime event of birth. I’ve helped reduce their risk of c-section and set themselves up to gain stronger, flatter abdominals faster after baby, with attention to fixing abdominal separation, known as diastasis recti.

Our Programs

Efficient and Effective. One Program, One Time Payment. Lifetime Access (Handy if you have another baby).

Recommended by: Doctors, Obstetricians, Women’s Health Physiotherapists, Midwives. Globally.


Total Body Strength and Toning Program.

A clickable program taking you from one pregnancy video workout to the next in a carefully designed order for each week of your pregnancy.
A variety of strength and conditioning exercises in each video workouts; tone your arms, strengthen your core muscles and sculpt your legs and glutes.
Cardio workouts (30 minutes each) for stamina, energy and confidence.
Relieve aches and pains with self massage foam rolling movements.
Gain insights and be prepared for the physical changes with our interviews with pregnant Uma and Prenatal Fitness Instructor, Vicky
Enhance your muscle tone, health and vitality with our pregnancy specific healthy eating tips, food recommendations and meal ideas.
Midwife led mini meditations to prepare you for birth.


Post Pregnancy Core Rehab, Strengthen and Tone

A clickable plan; taking you from one video to the next in a progressive, carefully designed order.
A variety of short (10 minute) exercise videos to specifically focus on rehab. for your abs post pregnancy and birth, strengthening and toning.
Cardio workouts (10 minutes each) for stamina, energy and confidence.
Relieve aches and pains with self massage foam rolling movements.
Gain knowledge about the impact of pregnancy on your core and pelvic floor with our short discovery videos
Enhance your muscle tone, health and vitality with our post pregnancy specific healthy eating tips, food recommendations and meal ideas.


Fitness and Health Hub

Knowledge: Strength and Conditioning Exercise Tutorials with Adaptations for Pregnancy
Support: Maternity Health Expert Interviews
Connections: Share Valuable Experiences
Support: Weekly Tips for Nutrition, Lifestyle, Movement, Mindset and Encouragement

How it Works

Success Stories

How to Have a Fit Pregnancy, Heal and Tone After Pregnancy!

Get the latest on abdominal separation, diastasis recti, pregnancy exercise, c section recovery tips and more.

As seen on:

Check out some of our videos!

Consult your doctor or health professional and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. Results may vary. Exercise and the correct nutrition are necessary to achieve and maintain muscle tone and weight loss. Bump and Beyond by Vicky Warr is a registered trademark of Bump and Beyond by Vicky Warr Ltd., ©2025 Bump and Beyond by Vicky Warr. All rights reserved.

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