Perform this move with care during your pregnancy!

It is a popular yoga pose and very beneficial, you begin on your hands and knees and then raise the hips toward the ceiling to form and upside-down “V” shape for a full body stretch.
During pregnancy though any exercise where your head is lower than your heart should be in modification after your first trimester. The additional blood volume caused by the growing fetus can lead to nausea and dizziness. To modify the downward dog for pregnancy, avoid holding the position for extended periods and keep you knees bent and your heels lifted off the floor. This will reduce any stress to the spine. Position your hands a little further apart than usual so your body weight is supported by your upper body, rather than your stomach, reducing compression at the abdominals.

How to Have a Fit Pregnancy, Heal and Tone After Pregnancy! Get the latest on abdominal separation, diastasis recti, pregnancy exercise, c section recovery tips and more.

Consult your doctor or health professional and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. Results may vary. Exercise and the correct nutrition are necessary to achieve and maintain muscle tone and weight loss. Bump and Beyond by Vicky Warr is a registered trademark of Bump and Beyond by Vicky Warr Ltd., ©2025 Bump and Beyond by Vicky Warr. All rights reserved.

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