This delicious Apple Cake is the perfect healthy sugar free snack to improve the quality of your nutrition after having a baby. Packed with green apples it contains vitamin C, one important nutrient that helps with healing your stomach muscles, reducing Diastasis Recti, giving you more energy and better skin.

So you can also eat a green apple to get those benefits but this cake makes apples far more enticing!

Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and nutrients although eating more of these can be tricky to do. You may think salads are bland and broccoli boring or you may not know how to make eating more fruits and vegetables more enticing in your meals!

That’s why I love to include fruits and vegetables in cakes, smoothies, juices, stir fry’s, one pots and loads of other dishes, it makes eating these foods pleasurable and fun.

By eating the key vitamins and nutrients for good postnatal nutrition, you’ll nourish your body to help you have more energy, lose weight safely without dieting and help heal a Diastasis Recti if you have one. One change that will make a huge impact on how you look and feel is by eating foods rich in vitamin C and antioxidants.

The 5 Key Benefits of This Delicious Apple Cake particularly for New Mums and Moms and Mums/Moms to be

  1. The green apples contain vitamin C which helps encourage collagen production for better, tighter skin.
  2. Vitamin C also helps strengthen the connective tissue at your midline that covers the front stomach muscle (the six pack). When this tissue is stronger it brings the muscle back together to reduce the gap, known as Diastasis Recti or a ‘Mummy/Mommy Tummy’.
  3. The high content of fibre from the apples and spelt wholegrain flour means you can fight cravings and mid morning hunger pangs.
  4. This cake is a tasty way to get your vitamin boost for your immune system (often low after having a baby or as a busy mum/mom juggling work with family life) to help avoid sickness and being in bed.
  5. It’s sugar free so a far healthier snack that’s kinder to your waistline than shop brought cakes and biscuits which often have a high content of sugar.

This cake is also quick and easy to make and your whole family will love it too. Eat as a healthy snack option to have when you are feeding your baby, when friends visit or to have as a mid-morning snack at work.

Combined with The Beez Kneez Pregnancy and Postnatal Exercise Program nourishing and eating foods with plenty of vitamins and nutrients gives you more energy and improves your muscle tone during pregnancy, after pregnancy and beyond.

Serves: 16

Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 35 minutes


700 grams of apples; Golden Delicious or Granny Smiths
2 eggs
150g of clear honey
zest of 1/2 lemon, grated
pinch of salt
110 grams of wholegrain spelt flour
75ml of almond milk
1 teaspoon of baking powder

How to make

  1. Pre-heat the one to 180 degrees C or 350 degrees F.
  2. Grease and line with baking parchment a 22cm (8.5 inch) cake tin.
    Peel, core and thinly slice the apples.
  3. Place the eggs, honey, lemon zest and salt into a bowl and mix or beat until the ingredients are all blended and the mixture is creamy.
  4. Sift the flour and baking powder together over the bowl and add with the milk. Beat well until all ingredients are combined.
    Add about 360grams of the apples to the mixture and stir in with a wooden spoon.
  5. Place the mixture into the prepared cake tin.
  6. Arrange the remaining apple slices on top.
  7. Bake in the oven for 35 minutes, check to see if it is cooked by inserting a knife or skewer into the centre of the cake and seeing if it comes out clean.

This recipe is one of the many quick, easy healthy recipes to help heal and flatten your tummy muscles after pregnancy (and beyond) taken from The Beez Kneez Mummy Tummy Transformation Program.

How to Have a Fit Pregnancy, Heal and Tone After Pregnancy! Get the latest on abdominal separation, diastasis recti, pregnancy exercise, c section recovery tips and more.

Consult your doctor or health professional and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. Results may vary. Exercise and the correct nutrition are necessary to achieve and maintain muscle tone and weight loss. Bump and Beyond by Vicky Warr is a registered trademark of Bump and Beyond by Vicky Warr Ltd., ©2025 Bump and Beyond by Vicky Warr. All rights reserved.

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