Healthy juice recipe for pregnancy

This carrot, orange, ginger and beetroot juice is packed with vitamins and nutrients that help improve your energy levels, reduce sugar cravings boost your immune system to feel and look and help you to eat better during pregnancy, post-baby and beyond.

My kids also love this juice, so try it with yours and serve it up for the whole family.

Makes 4 glasses

6 medium oranges (peeled)
1 raw beetroot (peel and half – wear gloves!)
4 medium carrots (peel and cut in half)
½ inch of ginger

How to make

Pop all ingredients into the juicer and juice.
Add crushed ice or ice cubes for a fresher, cooler taste.

The Benefits To Your Body

Oranges contain rich amounts of vitamin C to improve the appearance of your skin and your immune system to fight infections and diseases. Eating vitamin C rich foods with iron-rich foods helps increase iron absorption to improve energy.

Beetroot is perfect if you feel fatigued and is often used in treating anaemia and iron deficiency. It is also known to help cleanse out your blood cleanser, acting like a detoxifying tonic for your body and has a long history of use in the treatment of cancer. Similar to oranges and vitamin C, eating beetroot may help boost your resistance to illnesses and infections. It is best to eat beetroot raw as the vitamins and nutrients are more potent as they haven’t been depleted in the cooking process.

Ginger provides a natural morning sickness relief during pregnancy and aids digestion.

Carrots provide a rich amount of vitamin A. Just one large carrot a day will supply you with your daily requirement of vitamin A. Hailed as a ‘beauty food’ the body converts the beta-carotene from carrots into vitamin A which helps keep your skin and hair, nails and eyes looking good by promoting and stimulating the cells in your body to regenerate, maintaining collagen and oil production. This helps slow down in the body to slow down the skin’s ageing process and eyesight deterioration.

Be At Your Fittest and Healthiest During Your Pregnancy

Tone your arms, legs and glutes, and strengthen your core safely with a safe challenge. Pregnancy is a perfect time in your life to reset, strengthen, and have body confidence. We show you how in ‘Powerful Pregnancy’: Full Body Toning and Strengthening. With a variety of over 40 prenatal exercise videos to target your arms, legs, glutes and core, you’ll sculpt and strengthen safely and with weekly pregnancy-specific healthy eating tips and a variety of recipes, including vegetarian options, each recipe is carefully selected to contain all the vital foods you need to glow inside and out.

Powerful Pregnancy Fitness Program

Powerful Pregnancy: Full Body Toning and Strengthening Program


How to Have a Fit Pregnancy, Heal and Tone After Pregnancy! Get the latest on abdominal separation, diastasis recti, pregnancy exercise, c section recovery tips and more.

Consult your doctor or health professional and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. Results may vary. Exercise and the correct nutrition are necessary to achieve and maintain muscle tone and weight loss. Bump and Beyond by Vicky Warr is a registered trademark of Bump and Beyond by Vicky Warr Ltd., ©2025 Bump and Beyond by Vicky Warr. All rights reserved.

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