Essential Fats

Health boosting foods with essential fats that you need to eat during pregnancy (and post baby)

You no longer need to be fat phobic! The right kind of fat is not only essential for a Mum, it also helps her growing baby too. Essential fatty acids, those found in foods such as avocados, nuts and seeds and oily fish are critical. Different to the trans (or toxic) fats found in processed and take away foods, they keep blood sugar levels even, are a factor in weight loss, keep skin youthful AND also help your babies brain development!

As pregnancy is one of the most nutritionally demanding periods of a woman’s life – adequate supply of nutrients is essential to support the foetal growth and the baby’s organ development. Your body and your baby needs two key essential fats – polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. These fats also help you absorb Vitamins A, D and E, vital for your nervous system, lower cholesterol levels and also help prevent excess stubborn abdominal fat!

Polyunsaturated Fat..
These contain omega 6 and omega 3’s that your body needs but doesn’t produce itself so you have to get these essential fats from foods containing them.
Omega-6 and omega-3 play a crucial role in brain function, memory and in the normal growth and development of your body. They are also essential to the healthy development of your baby’s brain!
Vegetable oils, nuts and seeds are good sources of omega 6 fatty acids.

Fish is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. However – government research shows that we are not eating enough omega 3 fish oils obtained from eating oily fish required for anti-ageing and great health. This is because many of us can’t stomach oily fish, or the smell, particulary if you are suffering from morning or evening sickness! Plus, there are concerns about the levels of toxins, PCB’s and other pollutants in fresh fish. Expectant mums are best to avoid shark, swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish or tuna steak, the larger fish more likely to retain and absorb more mercury as they tend to eat other smaller fish.

What you can eat is a variety of fish and shellfish that are lower in mercury such as canned light tuna, salmon, pollock, sea bass – about two to three servings a week. These are less pungent smell wise and easier to stomach. A supplement of Omega 3 is key and great if you are suffering from morning sickness. Healthspan has a good Omega 3 supplement.

for your Omega 6’s, try two dessertspoons of Flaxseed daily, added to salads or a smoothie (you won’t taste it!), snack on nuts and seeds or add these to cereals or sprinkle Brazil nut oil on salads.

Monounsaturated fat..

Just two to three tablespoons of Olive Oil (mono unsaturated fat) a day can protect you against heart disease, improve your skin, boost your mood, improve your immune system, and boosts brain function (ah – mummy brain!). Stir fry vegetables with a tablespoon of olive oil (avoid heating at too high a temperature) or add with lemon juice to salads as a dressing.

Good food sources of monounsaturated fats also include:
Canola Oil
Peanut Butter
Nut oil Butter (check out your Health food shop, or Nature Intended)
Sesame Seeds

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