This video shows you suitable c section exercises after baby which are suitable for new moms and new mums to help with post-c-section recovery, strengthening, toning and to flatten your tummy after c section.

C section exercises after baby to get toned, tight, lower abs.

This video shows you suitable c section exercises after baby which are suitable for new moms and new mums to help with post c-section recovery, strengthening, toning and to flatten your tummy after c section. With a combination of post birth exercises and beginner postpartum exercises, you have a combined safe post-baby workout and workout after c-section. With this video you’ll know which exercises are safe for your body and have this video to follow at home whilst you baby naps or plays next to you.

A c section is a major surgery, akin to cruciate knee ligament surgery, which usually has a nine month recovery period.
C section healing and recovery should therefore be given the same consideration. Instead new mothers after a c section are told to rest and not to drive for 4 weeks. In reality and in the western society this is often not so easy, especially if you have other children to care for.

However, many women want to lose the ‘c section’ overhang and out of frustration rush straight into inappropriate exercise too soon. Attending a general gym class, running, reformer pilates or bootcamp is not the answer. These classes are not tailored to the healing and strengthening that is required to bring back the muscle memory and heal from the inside out.

My focus is first and foremost to heal and aid c section recovery and encourage the neurological pathways between the brain (or mind) and muscle to communicate again so that you can feel the right muscles when performing basic isolation tummy exercises first. Then moving onto the focus of toning and flattening your tummy with more advanced exercises as you gain strength.

In this video you have 10 of my best cesarean exercises which you follow along with in real time with my expert instruction so you know you are doing the exercises correctly. It’s not only a postpartum workout to ensure you have a safe return to exercise but is also suitable for mums and post c section belly exercises.

For more of my videos for post pregnancy and beyond, subscribe to my you tube channel here.

Check out these videos too which you can do at home in your time, even with your sleeping baby in the house!
C Section Exercises go here.
Mummy Tummy Exercise go here.

For a free discovery call, to find out more about my Transform Your Tummy After Baby, Tighten and Tone Your Tummy in 8 Weeks with Vicky Warr, postnatal fitness expert and see how I can help you, contact us here.

How to Have a Fit Pregnancy, Heal and Tone After Pregnancy! Get the latest on abdominal separation, diastasis recti, pregnancy exercise, c section recovery tips and more.

Consult your doctor or health professional and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. Results may vary. Exercise and the correct nutrition are necessary to achieve and maintain muscle tone and weight loss. Bump and Beyond by Vicky Warr is a registered trademark of Bump and Beyond by Vicky Warr Ltd., ©2025 Bump and Beyond by Vicky Warr. All rights reserved.

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